A young woman's attempt to broaden her gastronomical horizons both in the kitchen and out in the real world, with some musings about life, fashion, and art for kicks.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Me, and you baby, were meant to be

I love sushi, and anyone who doesn't is missing out! As an homage to my love for sushi, I made it a mission to make some. This past weekend, R.J. and I made... *drum roll* a smoked salmon roll with cream cheese and cucumber and some California rolls topped with baked salmon. I also made spam sushi. The first time I'd ever tasted it was junior (or senior?) year at a Filipino club meeting, and Corrie, who has a really cool  food blog, brought some for the meeting and i fell in love. I love spam. Especially spam and rice. So naturally, I love spam sushi. I re-created it, and it was delish. R.J. and I will certainly make more sushi in the future. The only thing I need to do is find a specialty supermarket that sells fish directly used for making sushi. I didn't know you couldn't use the fish from the supermarket. I should have figured though. Sushi (of any kind) = taste explosion.

Before it was cut into rolls....



Considering it was our first time making sushi, we did an okay job for presentation, I must say.

The California roll with the baked salmon with spicy sauce.

A close up. It was so good!

My spam misubi. I <3 spam.

After seeing these pictures I hope you are inspired to try to make homemade rolls. It's not very difficult to make and your end result is worth all the work. Invest in a bamboo mat (I got one at Cost Plus World Market for only $2.00!) to help you make the perfect roll. And share it with someone you love because sushi was made for sharing...or not. It's so tempting to keep all the sushi for yourself!

Oh, and because he is my partner in crime (and the best cooking partner), check out R.J.'s blog for movie news, music, and everything in between. I would only promote blogs that I enjoy and think others would too.

Nighty night.
Eat, eat, and EAT!

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